After the Big Billion Day sale, Flipkart is now hosting a Big Diwali Sale starting Tuesday. The sale will go on from October 25 to October 28, and the e-commerce giant will list discounts and deals to celebrate the onset of festivities. For this sale, Flipkart is introducing launch offers on the Samsung Galaxy On Nxt, and is even hosting a flash sale at noon each day for the Xiaomi Redmi 3S and Xiaomi Redmi 3S Prime.
The Redmi 3S and Redmi 3S Prime limited stock sales will be conducted at 12pm IST on all four days of the sale. Flipkart is making an exchange offer applicable as well on the smartphones' purchase. To recall, the Redmi 3S and Redmi 3S Prime smartphones are priced at Rs. 6,999 and Rs. 8,999 respectively.
After launching the Samsung Galaxy On Nxt exclusively on Flipkart, the e-commerce giant will additionally list launch offers for the smartphone in this four-day sale. There is no clarity on what these offers will be, but all shall be known once the Big Diwali Sale begins at midnight.
Flipkart is also giving 15 percent cashback to all Citibank cardholders during the Big Diwali Sale period. It is currently also conducting a quiz every day for all registered users, with a chance to win Rs. 1,000 gift card. This quiz is active only till midnight, and will be pulled offline once the sale begins.
Finally, Flipkart has mentioned that there will be discounts and deals on TVs, home and kitchen appliances, garments, and other categories during this four-day festival. If the last sale was any testimony, expect offers on other mobiles, tablets and laptops as well. As mentioned, the Flipkart Big Diwali sale begins at midnight, and to make the most of the sale, users are recommended to register (if you haven't already), and save your billing and card details.
Source: NDTV
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